Aadhaar based Digital Signature makes your documentation


Save Time, Money & Paper with eSign using Aadhaar.

Speed up & Simplify your documentation workflow with Aadhaar enabled eSignatures.

Aadhaar eSignature

How Aadhaar based Digital Signature Works?

Follow these steps to make the digital signing process secure and hassle free.

Step 1

Upload the document which you need to sign digitally at Aadhaar API platform.

Step 2

Enter your Aadhaar number and verify using OTP authentication.

Step 3

Digitally signed document issued after authentication is sent to organisation and user.

Digital Signature Features

From startups to companies, Surepass offers lots of E-Sign features
to fit your project needs.

Diverse Documents

We accept various document
types PDF, XML, PNG etc.

Adaptable Deployment

Works on web and mobile
applications and on premise

Remotely Accessible

Allows you to remotely review
and complete digital signing,
anytime from anywhere.

Legally Verifiable

Digital Signature are validated
and comlies with the required law
in the IT Act 2000.

Business Efficiency

E-Sign helps in saving business
time and money.


Digitally sign documents from
anywhere at any time within few

Aadhaar eSign Features

From startups to companies, Surepass offers lots of E-Sign features
to fit your project needs.

Diverse Documents

We accept various document
types PDF, XML, PNG etc.

Adaptable Deployment

Works on web and mobile
applications and on premise

Remotely Accessible

Allows you to remotely review
and complete digital signing,
anytime from anywhere.

Legally Verifiable

Digital Signature are validated
and comlies with the required law
in the IT Act 2000.

Business Efficiency

E-Sign helps in saving business
time and money.


Digitally sign documents from
anywhere at any time within few

Why Choose Aadhaar eSignature?

You can SAVE 10,000 SHEETS of copy paper each year.
You can reduce the consumption of natural resources in this digital era and

Also check out Face Verification based Aadhaar based Esign

Start your Free Trial Today !!

Aadhaar Verification API

Aadhaar verification API is an important process for every financial institution or the entities that need an API for Aadhaar card verification. This is the most basic identity that is needed everywhere.

Voter ID Verification API

Voter ID verification API is an important process for every institution or the entities that need an API for Voter Card verification. This is the most basic identity that is needed everywhere.

Get API Keys Desciption

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