MCA Struck Off Companies Check API

Find MCA strike off company details in seconds from ROC with Surepass MCA Struck off check API.


Say goodbye to time-consuming checking company status, strike off, and use technology in your system.


Surepass struck off companies check API provides an up-to-date database with the list of struck off companies from RoC (Registrar of Company). Using Our API is an efficient and simple process to check MCA Struck off companies. Just follow the simple steps


  • Enter the CIN number or Company name
  • Get details of strike off company


This tool is empowered with an advanced search algorithm that retrieves results in seconds. This API provides comprehensive details of strike-off companies containing information like


  • CIN
  • Business Name
  • RoC
  • Company Status (Active/Struck Off)
  • Business Registrar address
  • List of directors
  • Date of incorporation
  • Age of the company
  • Contact details


Our API helps in the prevention of legal and compliance issues by allowing company checks to find strike-off status. It ensures that the company you are dealing with is legal and valid.


MCA Struck Off Companies Check API Features


Reduce Searching Time: Surepass strike-off company check API has an advanced search feature that eliminates manual searching through mca strike off list.


Bulk Search: You can have consolidated reports of hundreds of companies with the Bulk search option.


Accurate records: Our API gives you access to up-to-date records for checking MCA struck-off companies.


Benefits of Verifying with our API

Plug and Play

Plug and Play

The API is straightforward and integration is effortless, We provide a simple and user-friendly interface.


Prevent Fraud

It helps prevent legal and compliance issues by ensuring the companies you deal with are valid and active entities.


Accurate and Reliable

Our system checks the information from the department. Therefore, the results are always correct and legitimate.


Frequently asked questions about
MCA Struck Off companies Check API

What is struck off the company?

Company status strike off means the company is removed from the list of Official Registrar of companies. It is no longer legal and valid.

How to check struck off companies in MCA?

Use Surepass MCA Struck Off Companies Check API to check the validity of the company.

How do I find a list of companies that have been struck off?

You can use an API like Surepass Strike off company check API to get the list of struck off companies. It is recommended to use the bulk search option.

What is the status of the struck-off company?

It is removed from the Registrar of the company and inactive. It is considered illegal and invalid. It can’t do transactions and business.

How to check if a company is legal or not?

Use Surepass to run the company and check whether it is struck off or is in use by using the company name and CIN number.

Can MCA Struck Off Companies Check API integrate With the existing system?

You can easily integrate Surepass MCA Struck Off companies check API in your system. In case of any issue connect with chat support.

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