UEN also known as Unique Entity Number is given to a business entity by the Government to the registered company. It is allotted to all big and local companies. Surepass UEN Check API is used to verify the company details through the UEN number.
Benefits of Using Singapore UEN Check API
The UEN Number check API offers many advantages to businesses to verify and access information about the registered entities in Singapore. Here are the key features
Enhanced Data Accuracy
By using the search UEN of Surepass API, you can ensure the company’s legitimacy by verifying the accurate details. With up-to-date databases, you can reduce the risk of transactions.
Streamlined business processes
Our API automates the verification processes and improves the efficiency and productivity in processes like customer onboarding, due diligence and supplier verification.
Time and Cost Savings
Manual verification of entity information is time-consuming and cost-effective. The API automated the process and reduces the chances of manual errors. It helps businesses to utilize resources effectively.
Easy Integration
The UEN check API can easily integrate with the existing workflows.
Real-Time Verification
The API provides real-time access to entity information, ensuring that users have the most current data available. This is crucial for time-sensitive processes where immediate verification is necessary.
Steps to use Singapore UEN Check API
Here are the simple steps you use to search company UEN for accessing the details.
Input: Enter the UEN number into the API
API will automatically process the database and access details of company
API will provide relevant data associated with the company UEN Number like company owner name, mobile number, address, email id, etc.