Search GST

Number by Name API

Instantly find the GST Number of an entity by its name or company name by Surepass Search GST Number by Name API solution.


Verify the authenticity of the business within seconds and comply with GST regulations, saving time and effort.


Surepass Search GST Number by Name API or Company Name is an efficient solution that provides a company’s GST number from the official database by name/company name. It makes the GST number verification and retrieval process easier. The bulk feature additionally adds efficiency to the operations.


How does it Work?

Here is how the API works,

Input: Enter the Company Name as an input.

Output: Get the company’s GSTIN.


Use Cases

Business Verification

It helps verify the authenticity of suppliers, vendors, and business partners and ensures whether the business is GST compliant.

Accurate Invoicing

The Search GST Number by Name API helps retrieve details to ensure accurate entries on the invoice and billing documents. You can avoid errors in tax filing by cross-verifying the GST number.

Fraud Prevention

The GST Number search by name solution helps in detecting fraudulent companies by checking whether their GST details are valid or not.


Benefits of Verifying with our API

Plug and Play

Plug and Play

The API is straightforward and integration is effortless, We provide a simple and user-friendly interface.


Prevent Fraud

Prevent dealing with fraudulent companies by verifying the GST Number using Surepass GST Number by Name API.


Accurate and Reliable

Our system checks the information from the board department. Therefore, the results are always correct and legitimate.


Frequently asked questions about
Search GST Number by Name API

What is the Surepass Search GST Number by Name API?

It is an application programming interface that fetches GSTIN using the legal name or company name from the official database.

How to find the GST number of a company?

Use Surepass GST Number by Name API to find the GSTIN of a company. Just enter the legal name of the company in the API and get GSTIN.

Does this API provide accurate information?

The Surepass GST Number Search by name API provides data from the official database which ensures accuracy.

Can we find the GST number by name?

Yes, you can find the GST number by name through solutions like Surepass Search GST Number by Name API.

How to integrate this API into the existing system?

Please contact the Surepass Customer Support team for assistance.

How long does the API take to retrieve GSTIN?

The API provides output within a second.

Start your Free Trial Today !!

GST Verification API

Detect fake GSTIN and avoid corporate identity fraud. Cross-verify the details from the authentic database and ensure accuracy in verification.

Mobile to GST API

The Surepass Mobile to GST API enables businesses to fetch the GST registration number associated with a given mobile number from the official database.


How To Check GST Registration Status? Easy step-by-step Guide.


A GST registration is essential for accurate billing, eligibility to claim input tax credits, and compliance with tax laws. Verification of GSTIN confirms authenticity and reduces the risk of dealing with fraudulent companies.

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