E Shram Card

Verification API

Check and verify the authenticity of e Shram details with Surepass e Shram Card Verification API.


Enter E shram Card Number or UAN number and get details like e Sharm card holder’s name, Fathers, Name, DOB, and Gender.


The MoLE (Ministery of  Labour & Employment) launched the eSharm portal to create a national database of unorganized workers, verified through Aadhaar eKYC. These unorganized workers are agricultural workers, construction workers and the unorganized workers. Workers can register on the portal, can do the e Shram card status check and also have the option of e Shram card download.

The Surepass eSharm card verification API helps you check the legitimacy of the worker through the accurate verification of e-Shram card. You will get access to the national database to verify the worker’s legitimacy.


Who Should Use e Shram Card Verification API?


Here is the list of sectors that should use the Shram Card Verification API.


HR Departments: To verify the legitimacy of workers before hiring.


Government Agencies: For subsidy and welfare distribution.


NGOs: To accurately verify the beneficiaries.


Financial Institutions: To verify the worker’s identity for loans and other services.

Workers got e Shram card benefits as it helps to get jobs by easy verification and companies detect fraud by verification.


Benefits of Verifying with our API

Plug and Play

Plug and Play

The API is straightforward and integration is effortless, We provide a simple and user-friendly interface.


Prevent Fraud

Surepass e Shram Card Verification API prevents fraud by ensuring the legitimacy of e Shram cardholders by accurate verification.


Accurate and Reliable

Our system checks the information from the department. Therefore, the results are always correct and legitimate.


Frequently asked questions about
E Shram Card Verification API

What is e Shram Card Verification API?

eSharm Card verification API is a tool that helps business to check the legitimacy of the person via eshram database.

How accurate is the information provided by the e Shram Card Verification API?

API like e Shram Card Verification API provides 100 accurate data for the verification of workers.

Who can benefit from using the e Shram Card Verification API?

Sectors like HR departments, Agencies, Government Agencies, financial institutions can get benefit from the Shramik card verification API. They can quickly verify the legitimacy of the workers.

What information do I need to use the e Shram Card Verification API?

You need Eshram card number or UAN number to verify the details of e Shram Card.

Can the e Shram Card Verification API be integrated into existing systems?

Yes, you can easily integrate the eShram card into the existing system of business.

Is the e Shram Card Verification API secure?

Yes, Surepass e Shram Card verification API is secured to use.

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